Friday, April 03, 2009

Quiz addicted

Recently been taking quite lotsa of quiz in facebook. It is damn funny!

Gwen just took the "How many children will you have" quiz and the result is 18 kids.
wow better call The Discovery Channel cause you'll need your very own school.

Gwen took the 你適合同咩國家既人拍拖?? quiz and the result is 香港人因為你本身就係超級港男/女

Gwen took the 你生前係咩職業﹖ quiz and the result is 公公(宦官)宦官,也稱太監、公公,是指古代宮廷中替皇族服務並閹割掉外生殖器的男性。宦官是負責宮廷雜事的奴僕,不得參與國家政務,但因與皇室朝夕相處,遂能博取信賴或有可乘之機,故在一些朝代中存在着宦官掌握國家政務大權的情況。 中國早期宦官不一定都是閹人,在東漢之後才完全使用閹人做宦官[1]。唐甄在《潛書》中這樣描繪太監:「望之不似人身,相之不似人面,聽之不似人聲, 察之不近人情。」

Gwen took the 你會點死? quiz and the result is 飲三鹿奶生腎石死鬼叫你地香港人... 要靠大陸...

Oh Gosh...should i stop taking those quiz? My answer is - NO, because is damn entertaining and makes me feel very happy.

Here is quick update for myself .. I AM MOVED OUT! Tada! Yes, i am not staying with my Emo Aunt anymore and move to somewhere nearer to my office area - Queenstown. Till now i am very satisty on the location, owner and environment.

Year end will have a short trip to Darwin, North Australia. Thank you Danny and Charlene for giving me my first Oversea Trip, counting out Singapore as i am working here instead of holiday. ^_^