Monday, April 28, 2008

Weather's Fault

It is damn hot these days. When shopping inside aircon shopping mall also can feel the heat outside. What's going on for "Uncle Sun"? Useless that i toke cold shower for so many times at home. Argh!! Here comes Emo Gwen today. Weather really making me HOT temper. I don't know what should i do to calm me down apart of get a aircon remote control and change to freeze mode.

Really need a day out i mean not in Singapore. Short Trip is the best choice for me now. I am planning to go island having a break. Which island? Not sure. Alone? Not sure. How many days for the trip? Not sure. In sum for all possible question might be asked, the answer is Not Sure. A good company is needed for sure. I don't wish my short trip blow out *sobs*